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色狗av 0132 Makri Island|静谧隐居与生态旅游的理思遴荐

发布日期:2024-12-29 00:12    点击次数:151

色狗av 0132 Makri Island|静谧隐居与生态旅游的理思遴荐

激情「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」色狗av



要是你可爱地中海私东说念主岛屿,那么Makri Island值得研讨。

If you are drawn to private islands in the Mediterranean sea, Makri Island is a rare opportunity worth considering.

Makri Island位于希腊爱奥尼亚海的Echinades群岛,左近凯法利尼亚和帕特雷,周边环绕着科孚岛和扎金索斯岛等知名旅游中心,是探索爱奥尼亚海的理思跳板。岛屿交通便利,可通过私东说念主游艇或包船抵达,为私东说念主生计或低强度斥地提供了基础要求。


Makri Island, nestled in the Echinades archipelago of Greece’s Ionian Sea, is conveniently located near Kefalonia and Patras. Surrounded by iconic tourist destinations like Corfu and Zakynthos, it serves as an ideal gateway for exploring the Ionian Sea. The island is easily accessible via private yacht or chartered boats, offering the perfect setting for secluded living or low-impact development.


Spanning approximately 245 acres, Makri Island features a unique dual-island structure, where two peaks are connected by a narrow isthmus. The northern section boasts higher elevations, with the highest point reaching 126 meters above sea level色狗av, offering panoramic views ideal for observation decks or private villas. The southern section slopes gently to the coastline, where natural harbors provide opportunities for small piers or water-based activities. With over 7 kilometers of winding coastline and crystal-clear waters, the island is a haven for sailing, snorkeling, or those seeking a tranquil lifestyle surrounded by nature.

Makri Island隶属于Mesolonghi-Aitoliko国度公园,是爱奥尼亚海迫切的生态保护区域之一。岛上植被遮蔽率高,以地中海灌木丛和松林为主,环绕的海域生态系统丰富。这种未被惊扰的原始环境,不仅相宜生态旅游,也为那些寻求远隔喧嚣、过隐居生计的投资者提供了完满的栖息地。

Makri Island is part of the Messolonghi–Aitoliko Lagoon Complex , a key ecological sanctuary in the Ionian Sea. The island’s lush vegetation, composed primarily of Mediterranean shrubs and pine forests, is complemented by the rich marine ecosystem that surrounds it. This pristine environment makes it an excellent location for eco-tourism and a sanctuary for investors seeking solitude and harmony with nature.

Makri Island承载着悠久的文化与帆海历史,是古代地中海疏浚的迫切节点之一。这种历史布景不仅进步了岛屿的勾引力,也赋予其独到的东说念主文气质。现在岛上保留有一丝建筑古迹,包括一座蓄池塘和一间袖珍建筑,为将来私东说念主用途或小规模斥地提供了基础参考。

Steeped in history, Makri Island was once an important hub in ancient Mediterranean maritime routes. This cultural and maritime heritage adds to the island’s unique charm and timeless appeal. Remnants of historical structures remain on the island today, including a water reservoir and a small building, providing a reference point for future private use or light development projects.

尽管斥地受到收尾,但Makri Island对详确隐秘、当然保护和生态可捏续发展的买家而言,是不成多得的遴荐。不管是概念为私东说念主隐居地,仍是打造与当然协调共生的高端体验,这座岛屿齐能险恶不同投资者的个性化需求。要是你对Makri Island感风趣,包涵私信相关 (微信号:GD-Karen)。

While development opportunities are regulated, Makri Island is a rare find for buyers who value privacy, environmental preservation, and eco-sustainable living. Whether envisioned as a private retreat or a destination offering luxury experiences in harmony with nature, Makri Island caters to discerning investors with diverse aspirations. If you are interested in Makri Island, please feel free to contact us (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thank you for your time. Until next time!



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